A bear playing hopscotch

Polar, a Configuration Policy Language

oso engineer Alex Plotnick led a talk on Polar, oso's declarative policy language. Watch the 30-minute recording below to hear from Alex on:

  • An introduction to oso
  • Writing authorization policies with Polar, starting from "deny everything" and building up to model-specific "allow" rules
  • How the Polar VM uses an event-driven FFI interface to collect data during query execution from application languages like Python, Node.js, etc.
  • How Polar can collect authorization constraints from a policy and translate them into an ORM filter to efficiently retrieve a collection of authorized resources.

If you want to learn more about Polar, read on:

We'd love to hear from you! Join us on Slack for any questions: join-slack.osohq.com

Thanks to SF Types, Theorems, and Programming Languages for hosting the meetup.

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