A bear playing hopscotch

Twitch Stream: Data Filtering in Oso using Partial Evaluation

Oso cofounder/CTO, Sam Scott, was live on Twitch for our second "Tea with Sam" session explaining how we built one of the coolest new features: filtering authorized data using Oso policies.

We added support for data filtering by enabling Polar, Oso's policy language, to pass around partially-evaluated terms as "constraints." Watch the 1-hour long video to watch Sam drink tea and dig into:

  • The Basics of Polar, Oso's policy language
  • What we mean by "constraints" and why we chose them
  • How the virtual machine (VM) handles constraints
  • The feature in action – filtering SQL datasets using Oso policies
  • Other use cases for constraints

We released support for data filtering in Oso 0.11.0 - Read the changelog for more details and download the latest version of Oso. If you have any questions or just want to connect, join us on Slack, we'd love to hear from you!

We'll be hosting another "Tea w/ Sam" session next month and will continue giving a look into Oso development and some of the latest features that the engineering team is working on. These sessions give us an opportunity to hear from our community and learn from your questions and feedback — hope to see you there!

If you'd like to get a reminder for the next scheduled Twitch session, sign up with your email below.

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