[Oso Local Development Binary] 1.3.0

Added endpoints supporting the distributed check api. See this guide for more info.

[Oso Local Development Binary] 1.2.0

NOTE: Version 1.2 includes changes to the underlying data schema used by the local binary. Any existing data should be deleted + recreated before using this.

In local development, data is stored in $(pwd)/.oso by default and so we recommend deleting the .oso directory if it exists.

Additional fixes:

  • Fixes bug where local binary was not ensuring writes were persisted before returning, resulting in race conditions and inconsistent response

[NodeJS] oso-cloud 1.6.1

  • Update error message wording: add "Oso Cloud error" prefix.

[NodeJS] oso-cloud 1.6.0

Added support for the distributed check api:

[NodeJS] oso-cloud 1.5.0

Add new oso.bulkActions() API.

[Python] oso-cloud 1.4.0

Added support for the distributed check api:

[Python] oso-cloud 1.3.x

Along with support for fetching policy metadata, oso-cloud 1.3.0 introduced more specific parameter and return types for the Python client to be used with typecheckers like mypy.

Releases 1.3.1 - 1.3.3 addressed bugs or gaps found with the new types that were added.

[.NET] OsoCloud 1.5.0

Added support for the distributed check api:

[Java] oso-cloud 0.4.0

Added support for the distributed check api:

[Go] oso v1.6.0

Added support for the distributed check api:

[Ruby] oso-cloud 1.6.0

Added support for the distributed check api: